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Romantic Relationships Involving People With BPD

He is slowing working on getting his life back on track. I have been there for him while I go thru my own struggles. He has been upfront with me on his mental illness and struggles, his relationship patterns, his depression and his inablility to commit to someone. I am truely the only person he has in his life, there is no one else. All the while we have been hanging out getting close and attached to one another. Recently was the first time he needed his space I want to know how I can be with this person and be a good outlet for him?

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They might feel like this for hours or days at a time. They seek a person who can provide stability and to balance their changeable emotions. Narcissists and people who act self-sufficient and in control of their feelings provide a perfect match. They’re easily seduced by the borderline’s extreme openness, charm, and vulnerability. In addition, the borderline’s passion and intense emotions are enlivening to non-BPDs, who find being alone depressing or “healthy” people boring. These partners vicariously come alive through the melodrama provided by the borderline.

From that moment on it has been getting worse and worse. One minute I am the best thing in his life, and the next I ‘don’t understand him’. I can’t do anything right for days, he finds fault with everything I do, he accuses me of having affairs with work colleagues, he checks my phone. If I put on something ‘nice’ (read ‘smart’) for work, I am trying to impress a man. He is jealous and possessive about who I see, unless he comes with me.

No contact seems to be the most advised. I liked the comment by someone of her responding briefly to texts when he contacts he, but maintaining boundaries. Its harder on me but BPD is hard enough for him, I don’t want to make it harder for someone I still love. I just wanna say thank you for your stories in regard to those who are bpd diagnosed and those who are or who have dealt with those who have bpd. This has tremendously helped me understand and cope with closure in a way.

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But she never really flipped out on them, and they were really disrespectful towards me. I had a huge discussion with her, that led to a argument. Since then, I feel that I have grown a bit..

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A year goes by and she starts to really change. We make up few weeks go by she goes on another crazy fit. We argue again I throw a water bottle at my TV only after she attacks me personally again .

Fighting to keep him isn’t going to help as you’ve experienced. So the best move right now is to really just let him go. Tell him that if he wants to be single again then he should go do it. You’ve basically got to let him believe that you’re perfectly fine losing him. He needs to believe that it’s his loss.

She needed space and distance, so we went from texting all the time, to texting very little. Yet shes texting these guys right in front of me. After reading your articles RELIGIOUSLY I have been giving her more space.

There is a very real reason for our suicide rates being so high. And a lot of these comments are very triggering. It scares me to think of how many forums like this ultimately caused some of those suicides.

I care for him, but I also feel drained. He always talks about a future together and us growing old, but when he gets angry he can be an awful person. He has tons of health problems, no money because he can’t work, no car. I am always obligated datingjet to pay/ drive until his disability comes through which who knows when that will be. How do you know when enough is enough and you should just walk away. It hurts but I don’t know if I can live a life like this that is up and down constantly.

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